The Controversy between Traditionalist and Non-traditionalist Readings of Hegel


  • Mauricio Jullian de Tezanos-Pinto Universidad Alberto Hurtado


Metafísica, Sistema Especulativo, Lógica, Hegel, Concepto


It is difficult to find common ground regarding the central aspects of Hegel’s speculative system, in the light of the recent interpretative debates that have characterized his "new reception". One of these aspects is the "metaphysical" sense of his philosophy. The present paper has two objectives: (i) To survey the current state of interpretative discussion about the sense in which the metaphysical character of the Hegelian speculative system has been understood. With special attention to the question of the relationship between logic and metaphysics. In the course of this analysis, a distinction made between traditionalist readings, divided into classical and revised readings, and non-traditionalist readings. (ii) In a second part, we evaluate some of the fundamental ideas of this debate, concluding with a proposal that outlines the guidelines for a more comprehensive view of Hegelian metaphysics in his speculative system.


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How to Cite

Jullian de Tezanos-Pinto, M. (2021). The Controversy between Traditionalist and Non-traditionalist Readings of Hegel . Littera Scripta, (1), 21–45. Retrieved from


