The necessity of the Individual Ego as Constitutive Moment of the Lifeworld




phenomenological reduction, solipsism, intersubjectivity, cartesianism, lifeworld


I want  to develop a critical approach to the usual interpretation of the phenomenological reduction proposed by Edmund Husserl in different stages of his philosophy. Often the position of Ideas I is disregarded because of his Cartesian assumptions. In fact, is assumed that, in reconducting us to the evidence given in the interiority of consciousness, the content of the world is lost. Instead of suspending the belief on the validity of the world, the world is completely annihilated. Because of this, the theory of the reduction, developed by Husserl in The Crisis of the European Sciences, is privileged for it is rooted in the lifeworld, that integrates intersubjectivity, history, culture, etc. as necessary moments of he phenomenological reflection. Nevertheless, the necessity of approaching the lifeworld from the individual subjectivity, that is, from the inalienable solitude of the own ego, is not attended. Precisely my goal consists in considering the necessity and relevance of the solitary ego within the lifeworld, that inspite of his solitude does not lead to any kind of solipsism, in which both the perspectives of Ideas and Crisis are unified.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Charlin Delporte, Colegio Cordillera de las Condes

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de los Andes


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How to Cite

Charlin Delporte, S. (2023). The necessity of the Individual Ego as Constitutive Moment of the Lifeworld . Littera Scripta, (6), 1–27.


