Approaches to Paul Klee as a way of witnessing the art of the other beginning


  • Juan García Hernández Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Klee, Heidegger, otro inicio, ser, obra de arte


The main objective of this research is to reflect on the artistic work of Paul Klee, starting with an approach to Martin Heidegger’s thought, focusing our attention on The Notes on Klee, inherited by the German philosopher. To accomplish this aim, we will start from the question: is it possible to determine and locate a work of art that enables us to think the other beginning suggested by Heidegger? To gives this question an answer will imply the delimitation of two instances. In the first place, we will delineate a brief interpretative analysis on the painting Ray of Lightning, by the Swiss artist in order to preserve a sign that grants us the opportunity to assimilate the notes of the thinker from Marburg. In the second place of our investigation rests on reflecting the possibility of establishing Klee's art in the other beginning as a clear that contains the decision of another essence of man. Finally, we will verify the veracity of reflecting on Klee's artistic production as a possibility to set an essential link between being and man. 


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How to Cite

García Hernández, J. (2021). Approaches to Paul Klee as a way of witnessing the art of the other beginning . Littera Scripta, (1), 81–101. Retrieved from


