A Reappraisal of the Role of the Imagination in the First Cartesian Meditation
imagination, fiction, first meditation, Descartes, methodical roleAbstract
Certain readings, guided by the dream argument in Descartes’ first meditation, insist on marginalizing the role of the imagination, claiming that this faculty goes against the aim of the metaphysical project. In addition, this meditation is often casually and weakly studied, as if the argumentation offered therein had no need for detailed discussion. However, in this article I propose that, by revisiting these passages, it is plausible to detect a methodical role for the imagination, insofar as it is understood as fiction. In this sense, it will be understood as a creator of mental structures that does not have as a necessary condition the correspondence with sensory-perceptual reality and the representation of images in the mind. This orientation allows us to note that the methodical role of the imagination is manifested in three essential moments for the meditation mentioned: the scene of the heater, the dream argument and the supposition of the evil genius.
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