A few observations on the figure of the philosopher: A gaze from Averroes
Filósofo Rey, Platón, Averroes, virtud, Sociedad virtuosaAbstract
The present writing of investigation is framed in the question of how to understand and read the Philosopher King in the Averroes Commentary on Plato’s Republic (ERP). The above relates to another relevant interrogation which consists in inquire about the differences that are played between Plato and Averroes in relation to the topic in dispute. Two pieces are sought fundamentally here. On one side, to consider the fundamental differences that display Plato, as well as Averroes, in his interpretation of the Philosopher King in the composition and governance of a virtuous society; on the other side, to get an accurate characterization of influences and conception that has Averroes has related to the figure of the Philosopher King. Thus, will be possible to achieve a reflection that allows visualizing that the practice of Averroes commentary is not just copying what some thinkers have said, but rather that through a such device is possible to articulate important contributions to deal with certain problems or common topics that have afflicted thinkers of the philosophical tradition.
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